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Saturday, May 22, 2010

SIMHAK mountain - Tracking course

The old name of SIMHAK mountain is of SUMAK mountain, which means some protection from the water of HAN river. (Chinese character of SUMAK: SU(water) & MAK(protection))
Once upon a time the water of river flowed around this mountain and this looked like the island on the river.
Another day a flood occurred and this mountain was under the water of HAN river, so the people named the mountain as "Mt. SIMAK" and the time of SUKJONG in the Joseon Dynasty two cranes bred in a palace was found in this mountain, after that the people named the mountain as "Mt. SIMHAK". This mountain was describd as SUMAK, SIMAK and SIMHAK on the many of literature.

SIMHAK mountain is located near by the city of PAJU or ILSAN and you can find the location of mountain on the map as below: Marked "B".

There are many kind of hiking courses at SIMHAK. I want to introduce main full hiking course, no. 4 mentioned as below. This course usually takes 3 hours.

    Tracking course of SIMHAK mountain

  Picture of tracking course

Sunshine and leaves

 A gentle slope of tracking coure

The course of pine tree
The smell of pine tree blows away the cobwebs from our brain.

Tracking course consists of soil, not rock as like BUKHAN mountain(北漢山).
The people feel very comfortable during tracking course.

Temple of YAKCHEON(藥泉寺)
藥 : medicine & 泉: well

In 1932, a buddhist priest(帶妻僧) founded the temple and named BEOPSUNG.